Quality Test Results at the Best Price

Field-Emission Scanning
Electron Microscope
- FESEM Imaging***
- FESEM Imaging with EDX Point Analysis***
- FESEM Imaging with EDX Line Analysis
- FESEM Imaging with EDX Mapping
- FIB Sectioning (30 um W x 30 um D cut) w/ FESEM Imaging
- TEM Sample Preparation
- STEM Imaging
- FIB Pattern Deposition with FESEM Imaging
- Regular Rate
- ā±7,500
- ā±9,500
- ā±11,500
- ā±13,500
- ā±14,000
- ā±19,000
- ā±12,000
- ā±14,500
- Student Rate
- ā±6,000
- ā±7,600
- ā±9,200
- ā±10,800
- ā±11,200
- ā±15,200
- ā±9,600
- ā±11,600
Auger Electron Spectroscopy
- AES Point Analysis
- AES Line Analysis
- AES Mapping
- AES Depth Profiling
- AES Chemical State Analysis add-on
- Regular Rate
- ā±9,700
- ā±11,900
- ā±16,000
- ā±23,500
- ā±1,500
- Student Rate
- ā±7,760
- ā±9,520
- ā±12,800
- ā±18,800
- ā±1,200
Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion
Mass Spectrometry
- TOFSIMS Spectroscopy***
- TOFSIMS Mapping
- TOFSIMS Depth Profiling
- TOFSIMS 3D Mapping
- Regular Rate
- ā±13,300
- ā±16,400
- ā±24,000
- ā±26,600
- Student Rate
- ā±10,640
- ā±13,120
- ā±19,200
- ā±21,280
Fourier Transform Infrared
- FTIR Spectroscopy***
- FTIR Spectroscopy (no ID)***
- FTIR Microspectroscopy
- FTIR Microspectroscopy (no ID)
- Regular Rate
- ā±5,000
- ā±3,500
- ā±6,500
- ā± 5,000
- Student Rate
- ā±4,000
- ā± 2,800
- ā±5,200
- ā±4,000
Thermal Analysis
- Differential Scanning Calorimetry***
- Thermogravimetric - Differential Thermal Analysis (STA)
- Thermomechanical Analysis
- Thermogravimetric Analysis with Infrared Spectroscopy (TG-IR)
- Regular Rate
- ā±3,000
- ā±3,000
- ā±3,200
- ā±8,300
- Student Rate
- ā±2,400
- ā±2,400
- ā±2,560
- ā±6,640
Sample Preparation
- Mechanical Preparation (Cross Sectioning)
- Ion Milling
- Chemical Decapsulation
- Sputter Coating
- Laser Decapsulation
- Laser Decapsulation with 2D X-Ray
- Precision Cutting (per cut)
- Regular Rate
- ā±3,800
- ā±4,500
- ā±3,000
- ā±2,000
- ā±4,200
- ā±6,800
- ā±200
- Student Rate
- ā±3,040
- ā±3,600
- ā±2,400
- ā±1,600
- ā± 3,300
- ā± 5,400
- ā±160
Optical Microscopy
- Visual Inspection
- Visual Measurement***
- Particle Size Analysis add-on
- Regular Rate
- ā±2,000
- ā±2,000
- ā±1,500
- Student Rate
- ā±1,600
- ā±1,600
- ā±1,200
Non-Destructive Testing
- 3D CT X-Ray Single Scan***
- 3D CT X-Ray Bulk Price add-on***
- 3D CT X-Ray Additional Scan add-on***
- 3D CT X-Ray Analysis add-on
- 3D CT X-Ray Reference Comparison add-on
- 2D X-Ray Single Scan/ Qualification Scan
- 2D X-Ray Bulk Scan with Analysis (Subsequent)
- 2D X-Ray Scan Only (Consequent)
- Hand-Held XRF Analysis
- Regular Rate
- ā±17,400
- ā±8,800
- ā±9,550
- ā±2,600
- ā±2,750
- ā±5,800
- ā±4,800
- ā± 3,200
- ā±2,200
- Student Rate
- ā±13,900
- ā±7,000
- ā±7,600
- ā±2,000
- ā±2,200
- ā±4,600
- ā±3,800
- ā±2,600
- ā±1,800
We are committed to provide
transparent government services.
Our Citizen’s Charter contains the procedures, fees, processing time, and requirements for our test services. To learn more, click Here.

Quality Test Results at the Best Price

Focused Ion Beam-Scanning Electron Microscopy | Regular Rate | Student Rate |
FESEM Imaging*** | ₱7,500 | ₱6,000 |
FESEM Imaging with EDX Point Analysis*** | ₱9,500 | ₱7,600 |
FESEM Imaging with EDX Line Analysis | ₱11,500 | ₱9,200 |
FESEM Imaging with EDX Mapping | ₱13,500 | ₱10,800 |
FIB Sectioning (30 um W x 30 um D cut) w/ FESEM Imaging | ₱14,000 | ₱11,200 |
TEM Sample Preparation | ₱19,000 | ₱15,200 |
STEM Imaging | ₱12,000 | ₱9,600 |
FIB Pattern Deposition with FESEM Imaging | ₱14,500 | ₱11,600 |
Auger Electron Spectroscopy | Regular Rate | Student Rate |
AES Point Analysis | ₱9,700 | ₱7,760 |
AES Line Analysis | ₱11,900 | ₱9,520 |
AES Mapping | ₱16,000 | ₱12,800 |
AES Depth Profiling | ₱23,500 | ₱18,800 |
AES Chemical State Analysis add-on | ₱1,500 | ₱1,200 |
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR) | Regular Rate | Student Rate |
FTIR Spectroscopy*** | ₱5,000 | ₱4,000 |
FTIR Spectroscopy (no ID)*** | ₱3,500 | ₱2,800 |
FTIR Microspectroscopy | ₱6,500 | ₱5,200 |
FTIR Microspectroscopy (no ID) | ₱5,000 | ₱4,000 |
Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) | Regular Rate | Student Rate |
TOFSIMS Spectroscopy*** | ₱13,300 | ₱10,640 |
TOFSIMS Mapping | ₱16,400 | ₱13,120 |
TOFSIMS Depth Profiling | ₱24,000 | ₱19,200 |
TOFSIMS 3D Mapping | ₱26,600 | ₱21,280 |
Thermal Analysis | Regular Rate | Student Rate |
Differential Scanning Calorimetry*** | ₱3,000 | ₱2,400 |
Thermogravimetric - Differential Thermal Analysis | ₱3,000 | ₱2,400 |
Thermomechanical Analysis | ₱3,200 | ₱2,560 |
Thermogravimetric Analysis with Infrared Spectroscopy (TG-IR) | ₱8,300 | ₱6,640 |
Sample Preparation | Regular Rate | Student Rate |
Mechanical Preparation (Cross-Sectioning) | ₱3,800 | ₱3,040 |
Ion Milling | ₱4,500 | ₱3,600 |
Chemical Decapsulation | ₱3,000 | ₱2,400 |
Sputter Coating | ₱2,000 | ₱1,600 |
Laser Decapsulation | ₱4,200 | ₱3,300 |
Laser Decapsulation with 2D X-Ray | ₱6,800 | ₱5,400 |
Precision Cutting (per cut) | ₱200 | ₱160 |
Optical Microscopy | Regular Rate | Student Rate |
Visual Inspection | ₱2,000 | ₱1,600 |
Visual Measurement*** | ₱2,000 | ₱1,600 |
Particle Size Analysis add-on | ₱1,500 | ₱1,200 |
Non-Destructive Testing | Regular Rate | Student Rate |
3D CT X-Ray Single Scan*** | ₱17,400 | ₱13,900 |
3D CT X-Ray Bulk Price add-on*** | ₱8,800 | ₱7,000 |
3D CT X-Ray Additional Scan add-on*** | ₱9,550 | ₱7,600 |
3D CT X-Ray Analysis add-on | ₱2,600 | ₱2,000 |
3D CT X-Ray Reference Comparison add-on | ₱2,750 | ₱2,200 |
2D X-Ray Single Scan/Qualification Scan | ₱5,800 | ₱4,600 |
2D X-Ray Bulk Scan with Analysis (Subsequent) | ₱4,800 | ₱3,800 |
2D X-Ray Scan Only (Consequent) | ₱3,200 | ₱2,600 |
Hand-Held XRF Analysis | ₱2,200 | ₱1,800 |
We are committed to provide
transparent government services.
Our Citizen’s Charter contains the procedures, fees, processing time, and requirements for our test services. To learn more, click Here.

*PAB-accredited Testing Services